
Sunday, October 31, 2010


I read an article about the emo culture online the articles were disturbing.  One day my daughter came home wanting to have an emo haircut; I didn't know what that was so my friend sent me an email of the hair do.  I personally would not wear the hair cut, but it is not that bad of a look.  So I told her when I had time I would take her.  Well I decided to read about the emo style, and it began with history of the emo culture.  It started with music then generated into this cult that someone somewhere down the line created initiations, rules to being an emo, and music that emo's listen to.  I read more from another article that was title warning to parents of an emo child.  It caught my so I began to read it.  It was about a mother who had a daughter who started falling too far into the emo culture ending her life to suicide.  Now my daughter is only 11 and is very independent and is wondering if I should be worried about her falling into this emo culture too much?  She is already wearing the black gym shoes, black pants, but she does not have black shirts, and I have taken her to get the hair cut.  I talked to her about it, and asked her what kind of emo she wanted to be and she said she just wants to wear the clothes and the hair like them.  I am relieved to know, but at the same time she has read about the emo culture online without me knowing so she is aware of the self harming that these emo's do to themselves.  If anyone has anymore information please repost to my blog.

Thank you for reading.

Naomi Cintron


  1. Hi Naomi,

    I believe that "emo" is just a newer name for "outsider." When I was in school, it was "goth" or "punk." The term "emo" is an abbreviation of "emotional," in reference to the type of music these kids like, which if you ask me, is really whiny and boo-hooey. Most kids of this type tend to be intelligent, independent, and talk a lot about "non-conformity." While I can certainly see how this particular social identity would appeal to kids who are already dealing with depression issues, I do not think this culture encourages depression or suicide in teens. Social identity is so important to young people. Your daugher may just be testing the waters to find out what type of group fits her best. You know your child best, and always remember it isn't the clothes or haircut that make the person, and it is what's inside that counts. I know back in my day, I was very into the "grunge" look of the 90's, but just because I wore ripped jeans, flannel shirts, and Dr Martens didn't mean I mainlined heroin and shot myself like my idol, Kurt Cobain. I hope this helps you feel a little better about your daughter's choices.

  2. Edit to add: If you want to learn about a really scary social group, look up "juggalo." If your daughter starts talking about Insane Clown Posse, then you really should worry.

  3. LoL ok thanks Carly. Wow didn't know that existed either. I must be falling behind on society.

  4. Wow. I am sorry you are going through this. I like to wear black and I also love music but that don't make me part of an emo culture. I know the hair style you are talking about and it isn't bad. I think seeing she is 11 give her the chance to explore and become her own person. It could just be a phase but I would keep an eye on it. I wish you luck in this.

  5. Naomi - I agree with the other posters. She will probably "try on" many different personalities - maybe even within the next six months. As long as you keep talking to her, I think you're in good shape.

  6. In all fairness I am not a mommy...but understand that it is your job to be concerned. However, I do not personally think that it is something to be too worried about. Kids try different things until they figure out where they fit. Not every emo kid is suicidal. Not every kid that has been involved in that style is headed toward suicide. I am not saying not to remain vigilant, but I simply wouldn't stress too much about it.
